Our very own First Lady, Pastor Deborah Butler, is the leader and spiritual guidance behind the Word of Faith Women’s Ministry. God's BeYOUties Women's Ministry offers special times of ministry throughout the year. These times of ministry include regularly scheduled meetings and an annual Women’s Conference.
We have many exciting and enriching events ahead of us and we want you to be a part of it all!

About Our Women's Ministry
Deborah Butler
Our Mission
We have come together to empower, encourage, and embolden our sisters in Christ. God made us all unique and beautiful in our own way, and it's time to become the women God created us to be:
God's Be-YOU-ties!

Our Vision
Through this ministry, we hope to become a resource and a support structure for every aspect of life. As women, there is so much expected of us, but when we come together to share inspiration, Godly wisdom, and even some recipes, the load gets just a little bit lighter. Let's join together as sisters in Christ!