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A PRAYER LIFE: Don’t leave Home without it!

Writer's picture: God's BeYOUtiesGod's BeYOUties

If there is one thing I enjoy doing and talking about its PRAYER. Why? Because I’ve discovered that prayer and having a prayer life is one of the most effective tools we have to be efficient and effective in every area of our lives. Sometimes people get discombobulated when they hear the words prayer life. They think it’s something deep and unachievable. But, having a prayer life simply means that as a habit, as a routine, your everyday life is focused on communion with God.

One of the shortest verses in the Bible is yet one of the most insightful.

I Thessalonians 5:17 “Pray without ceasing.”

Another translation says, “Never stop praying.”

WOW! “Never stop praying!” Just like the blood is the lifeline of the physical body, prayer is our spiritual lifeline and connection to God. Prayer helps us navigate the everyday affairs of life. When we pray effectively, decisions concerning our children, our spouses, our relationships, our jobs, our in-laws and our businesses can be made with precise direction and accuracy. Someone say, “Amen to that!”

What is Prayer?

Before we go further, let’s remind ourselves what prayer is. According to Webster’s dictionary, Prayer is a reverent petition made to God; it’s an act of communion with God as a confession, praise or thanksgiving. It is to address the supreme being with reverence and adoration; thanksgiving for blessings received. Now let’s look at the word communion. Communion, according to Webster’s dictionary, is an instance of sharing or fellowshipping. In other words, when we pray, we are sharing and fellowshipping with God.

Prayer is two-way communication. This is often missed when we talk about prayer or as we are praying. Remember, it’s communion. We do not just talk, talk, talk. We talk, He listens; He talks, we listen. Come on, let’s say it together: “I talk, He listens. He talks, I listen.” You’ve got it!

There are so many benefits to having or developing a prayer life. Take a look at these. Of course there are many others, but let’s start here.

Seven Benefits of having a prayer life:

1. Prayer helps us develop a more personal relationship with God

2. Prayer helps us maintain our peace of mind

3. Prayer helps us control our tongue (Help us Lord!)

4. Prayer helps us think like God and become more God inside minded

5. Prayer invites God to assist us

6. Prayer brings comfort during turmoil and times of grief

7. Prayer provides answers to our many questions

When we pray, let’s make sure we are praying scriptural prayers. Find and study scriptures that promise what we are praying for. Also, it’s helpful to keep a journal or log book of answered prayers. It will help us rehearse our victories.

So today, make a quality decision to spend more time in prayer and communion with our wonderful Heavenly Father. And whatever you do, don’t forget the secret sauce: THANKSGIVING!!! Always pray with thanksgiving.

In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

I Thessalonians 5:18

- Rosetta Archer

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