When I was in college money was tight. I was going to school full-time, working part-time, and trusting God all the time. One night while driving home from work, tired and needing some sleep, I ran my car over a curb and onto the sidewalk. The curb instantly blew my tire and bent my rim. How on earth was I going to pay for this? I needed my car to get back and forth from work and school. I couldn’t do without it! I had one clear and sure option: Pray and believe God will make a way!

Matthew 19:26 says, “…with God all things are possible.” Somebody shout AMEN!
This means miracles can happen at any time. A miracle is defined as a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency, or as we know Him – God.
The next day I was sitting in the car shop waiting for the mechanic to tell me how much I needed to get my car fixed. Instead, he told me that everything had been paid for and my car would be ready in an hour. All those emotions that bring goosebumps to my skin and those delightful flutters to my heart were crashing over me.

I experienced a miracle – a surprising and absolutely welcome event that I could not explain. It had to be God. He used someone to bring a miracle in my life and it felt wonderful.
I have had many instances of God’s miracle working hand in my life and am grateful for every single one of them. However, none of them can compare to how it feels to help bring a miracle into someone else’s life. There is nothing like seeing someone’s face light up when you meet a need they could not provide on their own. It’s amazing to hear someone’s story and know your prayers contributed to their testimony. It is awe inspiring to listen to someone thank God for something you did. After all, this is what we are here on this earth to do.
2 Corinthians 5:20 says we are ambassadors of Christ. We are His representatives. We act and speak on His behalf. Unfortunately, life can get so busy that we are consumed with taking care of ourselves. Our prayers are filled with asking God for what WE need. Our minds are overwhelmed with thoughts related to OUR issues and responsibilities.

We get to a place where we can’t sense when God is nudging us to help someone else. We can’t see the co-worker that’s been crying for days, the mom struggling to find the rest of the money to pay for her groceries, or the friend that is sinking into depression.
Let’s cast our cares onto our Heavenly Father and allow Him to use us to care for someone else. Now is the time for God’s BeYOUties to shine bright in offices, grocery stores, gas stations, malls, restaurants, hair salons…wherever we go! Let’s show the world that miracles happen every day!
- Minister Anita Davis
Book Club Challenge:
Hey BeYOUties, we just finished our first book and are on to our next book Miracle at Higher Grounds Café by Max Lucado. It’s a fiction book with a highly relatable story of working through heartache and standing firm on your faith, while seeing God work miracles all around you. During this time let’s challenge ourselves to be a miracle. There is no such thing as being too kind, praying too long, or giving too much. It’s always a good time to help someone in need. When you do, use #godsbeyouties or email us at godsbeyouties@woficc.com and tell us all about it!